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Franklin Prep Academy requires that all students representing their school in athletics remain drug and alcohol free, while participating in their post grad or high school programs. Franklin Prep Academy has a strict no tolerance rule policy for drugs, including performance enhancing substances.The use of steroids are also strictly forbidden. An athlete should realize that the use of  drugs is detrimental to his/her health and performance and must agree not to use these substances while involved in high school athletics.

In order to accomplish these goals the Franklin Prep Academy has enacted policies regarding involvement with drugs or alcohol at and outside of school. We require that athletes in our program participate in random drug testing throughout the season.

Students who attend parties where alcohol and/or illegal drugs, as defined by State law, are present or being consumed and who do not immediately leave, may be subject to penalties and suspension up to and including expulsion.

Involvement with Drugs and Alcohol

An athlete realizes the use of alcohol and/or drugs are detrimental to their health and performance and agree not to use these substances during participation in Franklin Prep Academy program(s). Athletes  while in season, who use, are under the influence of, or are in possession of  alcohol or drugs while at school or during a school activity will be suspended from sports.

Involvement with Drugs or  Alcohol Outside of School/Program Jurisdiction

Athletes who are under the influence of or are in possession of   alcohol or drugs outside of school during their season of sport participation are subject to the same consequences as those outlined in the policy regarding random drug testing of athletes in Section II C.

Student Athlete Random Drug Testing

● All student athletes may be tested at the beginning of each season.

● Random testing will be conducted during the sports season.

● Students selected for random testing will be selected by having their names drawn from a "pool" of student athletes.

A "Positive" Test:

If the student's test indicates positive results, a split sample will be tested to confirm the results. Parents will be notified and a student will be subject to discipline only if the confirming test is positive.

Athletes  while in program season, who use, are under the influence of, or are in possession of drugs will be suspended .

The refusal by an athlete to take a urine test will be considered the equivalent of a positive test.


Players who fail to adhere to the Frank Prep Academy drug policy may  be subject to suspension  up to and including program expulsion.

Please contact program administrator at for additional information.

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